Monday, August 30, 2010

New posture of the week - see below - nouvelle posture pour la semaine

Regardez plus bas et vous verrez la nouvelle posture de la semaine! Scroll down and you'll see a great new posture for the week

Monday, August 16, 2010

Salutation on Youtube

So a couple more videos for you to check out on Youtibe : Lunar Salutations and Dancing Warrior filmed by the pool here in the Ardeche..... and Namaste!

Diary of a Yogic Mummy

I have started a daily/every other day diary blog of a yogic mummy just to keep those remotely interested in the way I try and juggle my day of kids, work and yoga to maintain a regular practise but not sacrifice kiddie and family time. Check out :
Je viens de commencer un journal blog de mes activites de maman "yogique" pour ceux et celles interesses par le jonglage quotidien de ma vie et ma pratique de yoga... regarder le lien ci-dessus.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Time Thoughts - les pensees d'ete

Well Summer is definitely here and this one has as ever thrown up its own challenges and perfect moments of joy. As I approach my 40th birthday and a well awaited trip to India I am feeling a lot of gratitude not only for the amazing things that happen in my life, for my family and friends, for the places I live & the daily experiences I enjoy but also for the problems and challenges I face. More and more I am feeling that my yoga practise is an amazing source of energy but also of peace, calm and harmony so that I can ride the surf of problems when they arrive and let the negative emotions that come with then disappear just as quickly as they arise. I have a feeling that there is a lot off change and challenge ahead for me and probably many of you too but cling to your practise and enjoy the calm and stength it brings - it will reward you! Enjoy the rest of the Summer rays and if you fancy some Ardeche shakti then head down here!

Bon l'ete est bien installe et cet ete comme d'hab a cree ses propres challenges et ses propres moments de joie! J'approche mes 40 ans et mon sejour tant attendu en Inde et j'ai enormement de sentiments de gratitude envers non seulement les choses magnifiques dans ma vie, ma famille et mes amis, l'environnement ou je vis mes aussi envers lees challenges qui se presentent. De plus en plus je sens que ma pratique de yoga m'aide a rester calme pendant les periode diffficile de la vie pour que je puisse enlever les emotions negatives aussi vite qu'elles arrivent. Je sens que juste personellement je vais faire face a pas mal de challenges dans lees jours et mois qui viennent mais ma pratique de yoga me permet de rester calme et en harmonie avec moi-meme et tout ce qui se passe autour de moi. Pratiquer, respirez, profitez et si vous voulez un peu de shakti ardechois n'hesitez pas descendre nous voir ce septembre....namaste

Quote of the week

The fabulous yogi-writer, Donna Farhi writes in her book 'Bringing Yoga to Life', 'If physical flexibility is your sole aim in yoga, you are disconnecting yourself from it's real purpose: integration. If you practice with the intention to integrate body, mind & heart, then you will become more flexible, but it will be a truly balanced flexibility within a larger purpose and perspective.'