Thursday, November 1, 2012

Workshops in the next few Weeks / Prochains Ateliers

8th February .... Meet-Up in the Lole Atelier, Le Marais (Rue des Blanc Manteaux)
Gratuit / Free

3 mars 2013..... 9.30-12.30
A workshop to enourage fluidity and lightness into your practise
Theme of the mandalas for all to enjoy as we embrace the sacred circle
45 euro
Centre Aquasportif, Val d'Isere

Lucinda Drayton - we love Lucinda!

I had some great chats with Lucinda and her sister Sam at the Yoga Show in London last weekend and she is still just as delightful. Do check out her web site and especially the albums Bliss and You that I have just downloaded. Enjoy this music although my favourites still remain the albums One Hundred Thousand Angels and Through These Eyes.

And one for the Diaries...

1st December in London a wonderful concert with Ann Malone and Lucinda Drayton......more information on
This is a friend of mine who has a great little yoga blog site full of information, postures, great stuff... competitions etc.... Kirsty Norton also teaches and is on the web site - the english version of what we do on but in English.......

Kirsty does regular posts on YouTube in English if you are interested - check out her site, Facebook Page and Youtube posts....
Un site super avec plein d'articles sur le yoga etc..... y compris des articles de ma professeure Shiva Rea.....A great little site with plenty of articles on yoga and well being including articles from some of my teachers Shiva Rea & Elena Brower......