Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer muses......
Love to all my yogi friends out there either enjoying sunny climbs or sadly bathing in rainy clouds. Have an absolutely amazing Summer and don't forget you can still practise loads with me on www.yogachezmoi.com. Every week I plan out a theme for the week guiding you through sessions and each weekend there is a free session to do online so come along and join the tribe and above all keep practising, sharing, smiling and being happy with your space.
Amazing Summer Blessings to you all....
La Recette du Mois..... Recipe of the Month

Raisin Nut Balls

Very festive especially if you add the cinnamon and nutmeg spices and place the balls in tiny paper cake holders....
To make around 15 - 20 balls
75g raisins
50g unsalted nuts such as hazelnuts or almonds
50g butter melted (you can also use tahini or peanut butter instead of butter)
25g shredded unsweetened coconut

Chop the raisins in a food processor or blender to a medium/fine texture and place in a bowl. Add the nuts to the food processor and mix these to a fine texture as well. Mix the nuts and raisins together and then add the melted butter and the spices of your choice - I use ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix well. For the mixture into small balls and then roll them in the grated coconut before placing them in the cake cases and then in the fridge so that they go a little hard and keep fresh. Serve them on a decorated plate or place in a box as a gift for a friend.

Les Boules de Raisins et Noix
Très bien a cette époque de l'année surtout si vous utilisez les épices de la saison.
Pour faire environ 15 -20 boules
75g raisins
50g noix ou d'amandes (sans sel)
50g beurre fondu
25g noix de coco (petit morceau)

Placez les raisins dans a mixeur et mixez-les - placez -les dans un bol et placez les noix dans le mixeur et pareil mixez. Mélangez les noix et les raisins avant de rajouter le beurre et les épices de votre choix - j'utilise la cannelle, le gingembre et le noix de muscade. Faites des boules avec le mixture et roulez-les dans le noix de coco pour les couvrir. Placez-les dans les petits papier gâteau et mettez-les au frigo. Servez sur une assiette décorée ou dans une boite pour offrir....