Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Fabulous detox tea available through Wellicious as well some beautiful clothing and yoga mats - all organic and as eco friendly as you can be! Check out their web site to order and let me know if you want a 10% discount.........I haave the code!

Hidden Messages in Water

Les messages qui se cachent dans l'eau - livre genial de Masuru Emoto sur les molicules d'eau qui suivant les vibrations ou l'intention envoye envers l'eau changent de formes - les photos extraordinaires des ces formes .... et vu que nous sommmes faits essentiellement d'eau envoyez des bonnes vibrations et vous verrez la difference!
The Hidden Messages in Water - an amazing book by Masaru Emoto on the way that water molicules change depending on the vibrations around them or even just the intention we send it. As as we are made essentially from water it is just quite amazing how we can change and affect our own bodies by the intention we set! You WILL see and feel the difference!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Sending out gratitude for the things you have, for the people who have graced your life, for the little joys that decorate your day is a wonderful practise to enjoy and delve into..... so dive deeply into gratitude - it is amazing how even your cells change their form when you live in this way. Enjoy this this fabulous motto : Live like you only have today, Learn like you have a lifetime Buddha.

Friday, November 4, 2011

11/11/11 Mala For Peace

Come and join us on 11/11/11 for this yoga sessions for peace to celebratethis auspicious date as well as the full moon period. Meet at Chalet Peak in Ste Foy Resort at 10h00 to start practise at 10h30 - donations for the Pennies for Peace charity welcome..... (Chalet The Peak is just up from the Ski Set shop as you follow the road past the shop on your left - it is a big chalet with Premiere Neige written on it and The Peak.)
- Thank you to all who came it was SPECIAL!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

White Yoga Event - see the event in action!!!

Enjoy this clip to get an idea of the great time we had!!!!! Genial comme experience - quelques images tournes par un camerman - je ne savais pas qu'il me filmait!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

White Yoga Event Paris 2 October 2011

Simply wonderful experience!!!! 2000 people, fabulous haunting music with Garth Stevenson and wonderful teachings with Elena Brower.....and amazing sunshine to join us!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Great Music Mixes

Enjoy these wonderful sanskrit vibes with Donna de Lory - fabulous sincere voice and great yogic beat for vinyasa practise - enjoy Donna De Lory's Album Remixes - namaste!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Autumn Rentree Feeling!!!

So its the Rentree and often people get hooked up to new projects including yoga practise - I'm not back teaching in Savoie until November but please keep that rentree feeling going until then and check out the Winter Schedule & the workshops planned for 2011/2012 - I am so looking forward to seeing you again soon and spening some yogic and mountain time with you all - many blessings.... Alors c'est la rentree et souvent les gens s'incrivent pour des nouveaux projets ou activites le yoga y compris. Moi je ne serai pas en Savoie et en train d'enseigner avant le mois de novembre alors gardez votre energie de rentree jusqua novembre et regardez le programme de cours et d'ateliers pour cet hiver deja programmer. J'attend avec impatience mon retour dans les montagnes et de pouvoir pratiquer avec vous....namaste

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mantra Meditation

Gobinday Mukanday
Udaaray Apaaray
Haree-ung Karee-ung
Nirnaamay Akaamay

Gobinday: Sustainer, Mukanday: Liberator, Udaaray: Enlightener, Apaaray: Infinite, Haree-ung: Destroyer, Karee-ung: Creator, Nirnaamay: Nameless, Akaamay; Desireless
Use this a wonderful mantra style mediation – say it, sing it, chant, believe it! Utilisez ce mantra comme priere ou meditation – chantez, parlez, croyez!

To all you Yoginis out there be proud - A toutes les Yoginis soyez fieres

This a beautiful site with a beautiful message - not designed to be negative to men but to celebrate women and be proud of what we are and who we are, what we can and do achieve daily - take your practise off the mat and pass that beautiful yogini shakti energy on..... Ce site est magnifique et dans son contenu et dans son message. Pas contre les hommes mais pour les femmes - tout ce que nous sommes, ce que nous faisons tous les jours.....soyez fieres et prenez votre shakti energie "off the mat" et faites passez votre message! Jai!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Music for you to enjoy!

This is a great little track "Flying" to encourage fluidity and flow in your practise - profitez de cette musique pour encourager la fluidite et le "flow" dans votre pratique...

YogaConcept lance son nouveau magazin

ma copine Pamela qui a deja un site super ouvre son nouveau magazin a Paris. Elle organise une fete d'ouverture jeudi 8 septembre a 19h00, 123 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris si vous pouvez y allez sinon visitez son site......namaste!

La Rentree / Back to School

So its almost time to go back to school and with the new moon energy this week and ideal time to have a clean up - both physically and mentally in your own being and in your environment too. Clear away, give away, throw away anything that is not necessary to your life at the moment and make space to start a fresh albeit with a great tan at the end of the Summer! Alors presque la rentree des classes et avec l'energie de la nouvelle lune cette semaine un moment ideale de faire un peu de nettoyage du corps et du mental ainsi que de votre environnement. Jetez, donnez, rangez mais creez de l'espace enlevant tout ce qui n'est pas utile dans votre vie maintenant. Bonne rentree!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quote for the day - Citation du jour

Enthusiasm is a great power. Those with it can never be disheartened because it simplifies all difficulties. L'enthousiasme est une force importante. Ceux avec cette qualite ne peuvent jamais etre devies car il simplifie toutes difficultes.

Summertime Heat & the Full Moon

So here in the Ardeche we have had probably the strangest Summer ever in terms of the weather with everything from freezing wind, very hot days and cold nights, storms, clouds, mistral - it is no wonder we are all over the place mentally. And to top it all it is the full moon so take some time over the next few days to ground down, go within and breath.Practise some very slow salutations - lunar or solar your choice! and try and feel each movement and each breath you take. Be at peace with yourself - enjoy being alive. Alors ici en Ardeche nous avons surement eu l'ete le plus bizarre cote temps avec tout du mistral, de la pluie, des vents froids, des journees chaudes et finalement aujourd'hui une journee digne de l'ete. Et maintenant juste pour rajouter un peu d'energie pertubee la pleine lune. Alors pendant les prochains quelques jours allez vers l'interieur, pratiquez des salutations lunaires ou solaires lentement et ecouter chauqe inspiration et chaque expiration. Soyez en paix avec vous meme - soyez heureux d'etre en vie! Namaste

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cake Recipe for all to enjoy! - Recette de gateaux!!!!

Butterfly Cakes - for children of all ages & events of all kinds!
So my children love these partly because they taste good partly cos' they are fun to make! You will need : 200g butter, 200g caster sugar, Vanilla essence (a few drops), 2 large organic eggs, lightly beaten, 200g flour & a sachet off baking powder, A little jam – I use my homemade apricot, Thick cream, A few smarties & some liquorice & some icing sugar : Cream the butter, vanilla essence and sugar until creamy then beat the eggs separately. Add the flour (with the baking powder) and eggs progressively to the butter mix and when well mixed fill some paper cake cases prepared in a metal baking dish and bake at 180 degrees from 15-20 minutes or until golden. When the cakes have cooled down cut a circle shape into the top of the cake making sure you point the knife towards the centre to form a point. Turn this piece of cake point up and cut in half. Put some jam and then thick cream into the hole you have created in the cake then take the two small pieces of cake you have just cut out and turn them point down into the cream to form the wings of your butterfly. Decorate with some smarties, liquorice to form the antenna and dust with icing sugar – JOB DONE!
Gateaux de Papillon: 200g de beurre, 200g de sucre fin, Essence de vanille (quelques goutes), 2 gros œufs bio battus, 200g de farine et un sachet de levure non chimique, Un peu de confiture (j’utilise ma confiture d’abricot), Crème épaisse , Quelques smarties, un peu de reglisse et un peu de sucre glacé - Mélanger le beurre, essence de vanille et sucre pour obtenir un mélange crémeux et battre les œufs (à part). Mélanger progressivement le beurre/sucre avec la farine et les œufs et quand bien mélangé verser un peu de mixture dans des papiers à gâteaux. Mettre dans le four pour 15-20 minutes ou jusqu’à doré. Quand les gâteaux sont froid couper un cercle dans le haut des gâteaux faisant un point et couper ce morceau un deux. Mettre un peu de confiture et de crème dans le trou de chaque gâteaux et mettre les deux petit bouts de gâteaux dans la crème comme des ailes. Décorer les gâteaux avec les smarties, le reglisse comme antenne et soupoudrer avec le sucre glacé !

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Les 5 Point Chauds pour un été plein de Gratitude / 5 Hot tips for a Summer full of Loving Kindess

Les 5 Point Chauds pour un été plein de Gratitude / 5 Hot tips for a Summer full of Loving Kindess Cet été prenez le temps de vivre autrement avec une simplicité qui vient du cœur n’oubliant jamais que nous sommes tous pareils et que nous voulons souvent tous la même chose…

  • Souriez – smile à quelqu’un que vous ne connaissez pas tous les jours et faites le du cœur

  • Donnez quelque chose gratuitement tous les jours – du temps, de la nourriture, un vêtement ou juste une pensée

  • Envoyez de la gratitude autour de vous tous les jours – prenez un instant pour vous concentrer sur cette chose et envoyez du cœur votre gratitude

  • Soyez positive dans toute situations – les bouddhistes disent que nous avons besoins de nos problèmes car nous avons besoin de leurs solutions

  • Prenez le temps pour vous – 5 minutes à 1 heure par jour juste pour vous. Pour mèditer, pratiquer du yoga, contempler le jardin, les montagnes ou le cadre devant vous. Soyez bien là où vous êtes.

    This Summer take the time to live differently with a simplicity that costs little and that comes from the heart space – don ‘t forget that we are all the same and we all ultimately want the same things….

  • Smile – at a total stranger and do so from the heart

  • Give something to someone every day – time, a gift, an item of clothing, some food or just some prayers

  • Send out gratitude around you every day – take a moment to concentrate on the thing you wish to thank each day and send from your heart thanks

  • Be Positive – even in dark times take the positive approach. The Buddhists believe that we need our problems because we need their solutions so welcome your problems as gifts

  • Take the time for you – 5 minutes or an hour but take the time to meditate, practise yoga or contemplate where you are fully

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chakra Namaskar - Shiva Rea's beautiful & inspiring teachings

Donc de retour apres un voyage intense en Angleterre qui s'est termine avec 4 jours avec Shiva Rea et ses magnifiques enseignments - cette fois si sur le chakra namaskar - la pratqiue a l'ecoute des elements et leur relations avec le corps. Un lacher prise total qui harmonise mental et corps a travers des postures, de la musique et des meditations. Un groupe de gens splendide et une energie puissante. Mes copines yoginis m'ont accompagner tout au long des ces quelques jours y compris Ann malone et ses hangs - un veritable plaisir! Tous ses experiences seront integres donc ma pratique et dans les seances a venir......So back now from an intense trip to the UK which finished with 4 days with Shiva Rea and her amazing teachings - this time on Chakra Namaskar - a practise based on the elements and their link to our body. A total harmony created by oneself for oneself to find that inner balance. My yogini friends were with me for the 4 days and we moved in harmony creating some amazing energy despite the cold wind and rain outside! God bless Shiva and no doubt I will see her and the samudra sacred fire tending crowd soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our Annecy Youtube Teaser

We progress along our online path have a look at this Youtube link for some more images of our yoga sessions.... On continue a progresser sur le chemin de yoga enligne et donc voila encore un clip d'avant gout de nos exploits de yoga et bien-etre enligne.

Beautiful words for lost ones

A have just found out that some friends of mine lost their beautiful daughter louise to a drugs related accident and Vicky her Mum was sent this beautiful poem that I wanted to share with you all.....hold on tight to those you love :
by Taos Pueblo
Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth, Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself, Hold on to what you must doeven if it is a long way from here, Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Annie Malones Great Music

Check out this beautiful cd called Chanting Om - Savasna Soundbath - an amazing sound to practise and relax or massage to ..... find Annie at

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Meditation for you to enjoy

One of my inspirations when I started meditating was Jack Kornfield and his beautiful book A Path With Heart. This is one of his meditations that I still enjoy regularly....: find a quiet spot, breath slowly and deeply and repeat metally the following for as long as you like letting the sentiment filter through body and mind...
May I be filled with loving kindess
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be Happy

Saturday, May 21, 2011

ShivaRea in London

For all those who know me you will know one of my main teachers is the beautiful Shiva Rea and as I do each yeear I will be at her workshop in London between 17th and 20th June : if you fancy joining the vinyasa wave down there with all the yoga shakti then it will be great to see you : check out Shiva's site and the calender section for more details....namaste.

Ron & Marla a Paris Octobre 2011

Comme promis voici les infos sur le stage de Ron Reid & Marla Meenakshi Joy - chaque annee ils viennent a Paris de Toronto entre le 28 octobre et le 2 novembre 2011 pour enseigner un style d'ashtanga unique avec la voix sublime de Marla et des techniques d'apprentissage de postures tres sur ... so as promised details of Marla and Ron's workshop in Paris this year. Thier unique style of ashtanga yoga and some great techniques for going deeper into your postures is a wonderful way to spend a long weekend in Paris between 28th October and 2nd November. More info can be found on

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Music to check out this Summer

Ann Malone and her hang music from the albums : Tender Lullaby and the Calming Sounds
Jane Winther – albums Mantra and Compassion
Prem Joshua and a mix from his albums Water Down the Ganges and Sky Kisses Earth
Shaman’s Dream Project and their album Kerala Dream
Karunesh and Call of the Mystic
Ben Leinbach and Loveland
Bliss & Lucinda Drayton – a mix from their albums : A Hundred Thousand Angles, Quiet Letters, Through These Eyes, After Life and No One Built This Moment
Om chant by Steve Ross enjoy!!!!!! namaste

Spring time heat in the Ardeche - la Chaleur du printemps en Ardeche

Sorry that there have been no recent posts or updates on the blog but things will improve over the next few days as I catch up - we have been frantic getting the Ardeche property ready and haave just finished hosting our May retreat which was a pure joy... photos to follow - thanks to all those who came. More news to follow soon but if by chance you are in Paris on 27th May comee along to the filming at Studio Keller 9h00 for some vinyasa flow....Desolee pour le manque d'infos sur le blog mais tres occupee ici en Ardeche avec la mise en place des gites et notre retraite du mois de mai qui vient de terminer avec grand success! Merci a toutes d'etre venu - la pleine lune etait bien accueilli! des photos a suivre - plus d'info a suivre dans les jours qui viennent entretemps si jamais vous etes sur Paris le 27 mai rdv 9h Studio Keller a la Bastille pour un tournage de vinyasa flow pour .....namaste

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Huge thanks to all!!!!! Merci beaucoup a tous!!!!

A very big thank you to all for coming to my classes and workshops this Winter you have made the season a very beautiful and fulfulling one for me.....thank you for you sincerity, your energy and your passion - a heart felt virtual hug of gratitude to you all!!!!! Un immense merci a vous tous d'etre venu a mes cours cet hiver - merci pour votre energie, votre sincerite et votre saison a ete tres riche pour moi a cause de vous! Un grand et virtuel calin a vous tous et plein de gratitude....namaste et bon ete...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Classes in Paris - Cours a Paris

Juste un rappel pour les personnes qui se trouvent a Paris ce mois de novembre je vais surement enseigner de nouveau au Studio Keller ( restez en contacte via facebook ou ce blog pour en savoir plus!

Thursday, April 7, 2011 - le nouveau projet de yoga enligne

So for those wishing to see a sneek preview of the new online project follow the links below for a small selection of the sessions we have filmed so far to give you an idea of what is to come - donc pour tous ceux qui veulent voir une petite selection des seances que nous avons filmer pour le nouveau projet de yoga enligne cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour voir un peu plus.....namaste

Monday, April 4, 2011

Charity for the end of the Season - Charite en cette fin de saison

Juste un rappel concernant ma charite de l'hiver concernant Pennies for Peace et l'ouevre de Greg Mortenson et ses colleagues qui contriusent des ecoles et des projets d'education souvent pour les filles mais surtout pour les jeunes en Afganistan eet Pakistan dans les endroit tres ruraux - un vrai exploit si vous avec vu les montagnes la-bas- ce n'est pas les montagnes d'ici! Donnant quelques centimes ou quelques euro si vous pouvez dans les dernieres semaines de la saison 2011....Merci d'avance - Just a word about ma charity for this season Pennies for Peace and the great work that greg Mortenson and his colleagues do for building schools and educational projects for young girls but also young people in very rural areas in Afgansitan and Pakistan - a real exploit if you have ever seen these areas as they are certainly not the montains of savoie! Please give a few centimes or euros if you can during the final weeks of this seaon - thanks in advance... namaste

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lara Bauman and Quantum Yoga

Suite a mes seances inspirees de ma copine Lara Bauman et son Quantum Yoga je vous transmet son site web comme cela vous avez toutes les possibilites de voir ce qu'elle fait, d'acheter son livres et ses CDs / DVDs et profiter de ces seances magnifiques.....Further to my sessions over the last few weeks insspired by my beautiful yogini friend Lara Bauman and her Quantum Yoga her is her web site so that you can check oout everything she is doing and buy her book, dvds or cds.... enjoy flowing with your ayurvedic type or trying out all three!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Yoga Concept - a great new shop!

A beautiful new shop just opened in Paris selling wonderful yoga clothes and accessories check them out at un super magasin a Paris qui vend des vetements et des accessoires de yoga...n'#ehsitez pas a rendre Pamela visite

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Breath - Enjoy!!!!!

The mind is the king of the senses & the breath is the King of the mind ....use it!!! Massive respect to Sri BKS Iyenga

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DVDs de Yoga - the Yoga DVDs

Finally the DVDs are available so let me know if you would like to buy them - if you are in the Alps then let me know and I will bring them to class - price 13,95 euro per DVD or 24 euro the pack de 2 otherwise you can reserve and pay for your copies online via my web site and I will send them to you - Finalement les DVDs sont disponibles si vous voulez les acheter - si voues etes en montagnes je les amene avec moi aux cours - prix 13,95 euro par DVD ou 24 euro le pack de 2 - sinon vous pouvez reserver et payer pour vos copies enligne via mon site web

Monday, February 21, 2011

A beautiful Message

Pema Chödrön says, "To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man's-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh.’’

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vasant Pachami

This is an Indian festival and a time to celebrate the first signs of Spring. It is a time dedicated to saraswati and to invoking Kamadeva (the Lord of Love) with his consort Rati - the Goddess of Desire!. It is a time for Sringara Rasa - the fluid and spontaneous juice and joy of life so flow with life's natural creativity and allow the body and mind to ned and be flexible! Namaste

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yoga Retraite - May & September 2011 - Yoga Retreats & Holidays for 2011 !!!

Don't forget that we organise a couple of yoga retreats / holidays in the Ardeche each year and would love to see you down there. Check out the section with all the details on this here (scroll down on the right hand side you will see some details on dates & price etc.... but in brief the Yoga retreat is on 14th - 18th May 2011 and the Yoga Activity Holiday 24th - 28th September 2011....namaste... N'oubliez pas nous organisons des retraites de Yoga en Ardeche chez nous ce mois de mai entre le 14 et le 18 et ensuite au mois de septembre entre le 24 et le 28.....un moment ideal pour quitter votre quotidien et venez vous remettre en place!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Posture de la semaine - Posture of the week

Don't forget this week's posture - look to the right and scroll down for Ardha Chandra Chapasana......N'oubliez pas la posture de cette semaine - regardez a droite et descendez pour trouver cette posture magnifique....Ardha Chandra Chapasana

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Apache Blessing

May the sun bring you energy by day,May the moon softly restore you by night,May the rain wash away your worries,May the breeze blow new strength into your being.May you walk gently through the worldand know its beauty and harmonyall the days of your life.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sessions filmed - les cours filmes

Un grand merci a tout le monde qui est venu deja aux cours supplementaires pour le tournage...juste mercredi et jeudi a faire et c'est fini pour l'instant . Si vous voulez venir il y a toujours un cours extra gratuit ce mercredi a 17h00 Yin Yoga.....

The Style of Yoga I Teach

Le Style de Yoga que j’enseigne – the Style of Yoga I teach
Many people have been asking me what type of yoga I teach and where my influences come from – so I thought I’d answer it here and put this on the blog site too. I started with an Ashtanga base in London and an amazing teacher called Consuela and then when I left London and moved to Val studied on my own a mixture of David Swenson’s and Beryl Bender Birch’s Ashtanga Yoga and some hatha yoga Sivananda style. I then did a teacher training (and subsequently an advanced teacher training with the Sivananda school and their hatha Vedanta yoga. I have since discovered the amazing energy of vinyasa flow via Shiva Rea and the deeper practise of Yin Yoga and Para Yoga with Sarah Powers and Rod Stryker answering my need to flow with the current of universal energy. I continue to study Ashtanga style classes with David Swenson, Marla Meenakshi & Ron Reid but more and more I am developing my own style of practise. Shiva Rea remains a constant influence as she is a reminder of living with the spontaneous flow of nature and answering the call of spanda (the vibrant energy that flows around us) – huge thanks to all of my many teachers and may this learning path be long and fruitful!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year to you all - Une Bonne Annee 2011

I wish you an amazing 2011 full of light, love, joy, peace and gratitude. Remember to always make the most of the present moment for it is the future in the making......Vous souhaitant une tres bonne annee 2011 avec plein de joie, de lumiere, d'amour et de gratitude. N'oubliez pas de profitez a 100% du moment present car vous etes en train de fabriquer l'avenir. Namaste