Friday, January 7, 2011

The Style of Yoga I Teach

Le Style de Yoga que j’enseigne – the Style of Yoga I teach
Many people have been asking me what type of yoga I teach and where my influences come from – so I thought I’d answer it here and put this on the blog site too. I started with an Ashtanga base in London and an amazing teacher called Consuela and then when I left London and moved to Val studied on my own a mixture of David Swenson’s and Beryl Bender Birch’s Ashtanga Yoga and some hatha yoga Sivananda style. I then did a teacher training (and subsequently an advanced teacher training with the Sivananda school and their hatha Vedanta yoga. I have since discovered the amazing energy of vinyasa flow via Shiva Rea and the deeper practise of Yin Yoga and Para Yoga with Sarah Powers and Rod Stryker answering my need to flow with the current of universal energy. I continue to study Ashtanga style classes with David Swenson, Marla Meenakshi & Ron Reid but more and more I am developing my own style of practise. Shiva Rea remains a constant influence as she is a reminder of living with the spontaneous flow of nature and answering the call of spanda (the vibrant energy that flows around us) – huge thanks to all of my many teachers and may this learning path be long and fruitful!


  1. I agree with your post totally.If we can find a suitable yoga teacher training program then we can become master of it.Now the scene is different as these courses offer more advanced content.

  2. Absolutely - each person has their own path and we have to remain receptive to new teachers but at the same time know whe we have found the right one for our path. blessings for this new year to you.....namaste
